Thursday, November 10, 2011

Bucket List

To this day, I feel like my life is going by more quickly than I can keep up.  When blowing out candles for my 19th birthday, something didn't feel right. Nineteen years old sounded too old to me. I am still, and will forever be a child at heart.  At nineteen years old, only a year away from living two centuries on this earth, I realized I need to always remember to live life to the fullest.  At nineteen years old, I am beginning to write a bucket list.
An excerpt from Robert Frost's poem read "Miles to Go Before I sleep", describes my ephiphany perfectly. I have miles to go before I sleep (die), so why not do all that I want and can?!

Although general, the first goal on my bucket list is to travel the world.  As a child, I was lucky enough to travel all over the US with my family, and even to Spain. I became in love with traveling and experiencing new worlds within the world.